Among the clouds Late one rainy afternoon I took a flight for a short trip. The jet roared off the runway and we ascended rapidly. Looking out...
Traffic woes
Traffic light woes Every day I reach a traffic light at an intersection. This is nothing new to anyone who sits behind the wheel of a moving...
Why me?
Why me? The age old question when something does not go our way or is unexpected. Why me? Usually this is dependent on a bad experience as it...
Building your immunity
Building your immunity Winter is here and with no end in sight, it is tiresome to those non snow boarding loving enthusiasts. The endless bone...
Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is the best medicine We hear the sound of laughter in the next room, it makes us smile. We see a child laughing their little head off...
Last call
Last Call It is closing time, the bar tender calls out asking if anyone wants another drink. The conductor blows his whistle one last time...
Amnesia oh I miss thee !
Amnesia, Oh I miss thee! As a child I used to run and climb trees carefree of whether I would fall down or hurt myself. I would create art or write...
The ultimate chess game
The Ultimate Chess game Black knight takes white Rook, White Queen takes black knight, Check Mate. Game over. If you have ever played the game...
Second guessing
Second Guessing The clock is ticking down and you are down to the last few questions on your test. You quickly circle choice as B and move on to...
Going golfing
Going Golfing If you have never played golf, then it is a sport worth trying to learn. You will be probably be in the learning phase for your...
Soul surfing
Soul Surfing For those who love the water, nothing can be more fun than getting out in the ocean, swimming their boards out to the waves and...
The Lovliest flower in the garden !
The Loveliest Flower in the Garden Anyone who spends the time to tend to a garden knows that there are always a few flowers or bushes that are...