How do you change the world? I have struggled with this question my whole life. Till I asked myself a deeper question. Why do I want to change the world?...
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I want to be you
I want to be you. The other day I was at the gym and I was watching the techniques of some very strong athletes and I jokingly told the coach " I want to...
Mind over matter
I am convinced that my body is solid and there is nothing else. I can feel it. I can sense the objects that it can touch and so I perceive them to be...
Cracking the Mirror
Cracking the mirror As you travel through the day you see all sorts of aspects and qualities of humanity. Some you like, and some you don't. Some will...
First world problems
First world problems Yet another night when all the house smoke alarms turn on in orchestral unison at 3am. 8 days of this in a row will keep the entire...
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