Never feel shame or guilt for trying and failing, for he who has never failed is he who has never tried. -With blessings of Love, Light and Wisdom...
Failure has no definition except one, which is the inability to achieve one's said objective, goal or purpose. However success has numerous definitions...
When people ridicule you, do not be frightened or upset. Most people are trying to humiliate you as it is too painful for them not to be like you. You...
Life is Magnificent
Life is a magnificent experiment through research, understanding and discovery. Life is not about looking under the rock or behind a bush to simply say "...
Dark Trail
Ever been on a dark trail and you cannot see the path? I know I have. What do you do? Well take out a flashlight and shine the way and travel on that...
Gratitude journal
Having gratitude is one of the single most empowering act I can perform. I am a firm believer in adopting a habit of writing in a gratitude journal. I...
Remaking yourself
We are constantly rebuilding ourselves. Day in and day out. Every idea that breaks our thought patterns is there to challenge us to rethink our life, and...