Revelations in last night's meditations "In my vulnerability I surrender to what is In my confusion I beget my clarity As my world falls apart, I find...
The path
" the path you seek, is the path you are on"- dr nitin Bhatnagar ................. I love you
Funny story As a cardiologist it is quite common for me to read EKGs ( electrocardiograms). The electrical activity of the heart is captured on a paper...
I used to very good to just CRASTINATE till one day i decided to go PRO !! I try to PROCRASTINATE any chores or tasks that do not serve my higher value...
I used to very good to just CRASTINATE till one day i decided to go PRO !! I try to PROCRASTINATE any chores or tasks that do not serve my higher value...
Just be
Everyday dare to venture deeper in discovering who you are and what you are capable of. Everyday dare to see yourself in a different light. Every day...
Action steps
We all have some kind of plan in life. We want to be something more than we are. It is in our DNA to want to evolve. Yet the difference between those who...
Stan lee
There are so many people who inspire me to do better in all different walks of life. Medicine, writing, motivational speaking, global transformations,...
Rescuing the world
I choose NOT to rescue the world. I choose to serve the world. It is easy to see suffering and rush to pull someone out of it. It is easy to see an...
The world needs you
The world needs YOU It needs not drones or mindless automatons who follow social norms It needs not those devoid of love It needs not those who are the...
Amazing Vacation over. Spent 14.4 hours a day for 10 days in a hotel in Houston, Texas with the wifey studying, seeking, discovering, questioning,...
Why do we hurt ?
Why do people hurt others? We can create all sorts of debates to understand this timeless and time tested issue of human behavior. We can say that it is...