Month: August 2019

Witnessing the earth

Witnessing the earth

The other day I was mediating while standing in the water at the beach. The water lapped against my feet and I energetically branched out. Suddenly I saw...

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Sturgeon full moon

Sturgeon full moon

The Lions Gate portal closed this week giving way to integration of love and light. We are all faced with the wound healing of the heart, and so timely...

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Another fun story corollary to the last one. So recently the night before the family was leaving on a long trip I began to miss them. Wife and kids. I...

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Slowing down

Slowing down

"It is wise to Slow down the speed of your mind to the pulse of your heart and then slow down the pace of your heart to the drum beat of your soul. Here...

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The heart gate

The heart gate

There are times when we are faced with a moving experience when we look at an epic skyscape at sunrise or sunset, or perhaps listening to a melodious...

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8:8 gateway

8:8 gateway

As our little planet is dragged by our sun through the arms of the loving milky way we pass through the 8:8 Lions Gate. This is an Ascension threshold...

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Mirror talk

Mirror talk

Everyday before I goto bed I look myself in the mirror and say " I love you. You did your best today and even though you may not have completed...

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