It is great to be advertising successes yet how often do we advertise our failures. Why don't we ? Perhaps because it is out of a need to be loved from...
Be less wrong
" When I find myself that I am in some degree wrong, I strive to be less wrong each day. Thats my evolution"- DR Nitin Bhatnagar .................. I...
Harvest moon
greetings beautiful souls Welcome to the magnificent September equinox harvest full moon or corn moon. Entrenched with magic and deep transformation she...
Mindful nutrition
I dash for that donut on the office break room table while walking past. I pick up a cookie left over from my son's plate as I look at my phone. I start...
Screen time
Funny story Several years ago when our son was born we discovered quickly his "lack of being able to stay asleep for long periods of time". We were...
Are you a fire ant?
Just putting this into a cosmic perspective... each of us is a tiny dragon with a huge impact to the world around us We may appear ant size compared to a...
Reality or virtual
I was watching a you tube video the other day and I was seeing this kickass actress doing all kinds of stunts. Till I looked more closely and discovered...
What are you doing when no one is looking
What are you doing when no one is looking? It is great to live our accomplishments through social media via selfies or self videos or if someone is...
Changing your words
Thought I would share with you an idea I have been working on. I used my self as a guinea pig and the experiment so far has been successful. Changing my...
Run or ruin
What is the different between run and ruin? It is the letter " I". We can 'run' ourselves with great vigor and work hard and achieve a great many things....
Om peace balance
OM Peace Balance Try to find peace and balance over happiness or sadness in every moment, everywhere, in everyone and in everything you see, you say, you...
Writings with love
For those of you who enjoy the posts I write. Thank you for reading. My intention is that they assist in showing you a path that many including myself...