Year: 2019

Universe jokes

Universe jokes

Just thought I would share this with you. I had been sitting in my chair outside the other day enjoying the breeze when I recalled this funny...

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DOctors corner

DOctors corner

DOctor's corner.  An interesting story. I has a remarkable client who came to me with back pain. He had looked into traditional medicine and so far all...

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In order to unlock our purpose and vision we must first turn the key. That key is gratitude. Gratitude opens the heart. The open heart is the gateway of...

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Why do we hurt each other? Why do we keep hurting those that we love? Ripping another person to shreds with our harsh words, impulsive outbursts or...

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Empowering oneself

Empowering oneself

There are times when we see life and it gives us little nudges that we are not doing what we love and yet have to pay our bills and go through the...

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Halloween Halloween cometh. All Hallows Eve. A great festival of pomp and celebration enjoyed by many in different cultures over a three day period of...

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I have heard that the way to success is to have one should dream big. I think that is great advice. Yet. So does that mean if I dream small I will play...

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Happy diwali

Happy diwali

Happy Diwali. The Hindu Festival of Lights. A potent festivity celebrated throughout the world by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains commemorating the triumph of...

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Today is perhaps the oldest day that I have ever been. Today is the youngest version I will ever be moving into the future. Tomorrow hasn't come...

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Feeling stuck

Feeling stuck

There are times when I feel incredibly stuck. I cant seem to see my next path of progress or I can't get myself to move forward. I cant get my self...

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