Month: February 2020

Patient  encounter

Patient encounter

I had a lovely 95 year old lady who came in to the office yesterday brought in by her aging son. They sat down and waited patiently for me. I walked in...

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This came through for me to share in today's mediation. Everything is perfect Everything in the past was perfect Everything in the present is perfect...

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Path to fasting #5

Path to fasting #5

My path of Fasting #5 The other 2 questions I get asked is "how did you feel while in the fast ? " and "what about after ?" So the first one.. BEFORE....

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Path of fasting #4

Path of fasting #4

My path of Fasting #4 So Day 12 Right after my powerful integration of my past, my hunger returned ! This was the sign I was waiting for, as my body...

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Path of fasting#3

Path of fasting#3

My path to Fasting #3. ( an unexpected turn ) Very different post was going to be posted today, yet woke up at 430am and wrote this. Thought it was...

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Path of fasting #2

Path of fasting #2

My path of Fasting #2 Today is well into Day 11 After the WHY do you do it, the next question I am asked is how do you feel doing it So Thought I would...

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Path of fasting 1

Path of fasting 1

My path of Fasting #1 Today is Day 9. No Food Only Water I thought I would create a mini series of articles to explore the concept of fasting. I am well...

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Interesting story The other day I am having a conversation with my 8.5 year old son Back drop of the story.... He was to go for a gymnastics competition...

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In this mornings powerful meditation this is what came up for me. And so I share this with you. Life offers daily lessons hidden inside daily challenges...

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Frequency of words

Frequency of words

Emotions or states of being carry different frequencies within our bodies, hearts, minds and our soul auric fields . They resonate at different...

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You are love

You are love

The magic you have been seeking has been INSIDE YOU all along At what point in your day to day experiences do you finally stop, breathe and discover this...

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