Month: July 2020

How would you feel if you discovered that your life was just a dream? And that when you die you actually wake up Hmmm... So how about you wake up now and...

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When we think that our dreams are not attainable... we restrict ourselves When we subordinate to others ideas and rules and regulations... we restrict...

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A practice that I do... Thought I would share Sit on the floor, or outside in the grass or comfortably in a chair Bring your attention to your breath...

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what is purpose?

what is purpose?

I get asked by many clients I work with or those that I teach " What is my purpose? And how do I find it?" To address this briefly... One of the most...

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Yu gen

Yu gen

YU GEN an awareness of the universe that triggers an emotional response too deep and mysterious for words Each day spend some time in silent...

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When we embrace our deepest fears, they no longer have any power over us. That is when we first begin to taste our own freedom Your powerful ally Dr...

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Funny story

Funny story

Funny short story. I am in the office and the next scheduled patient visit popped up. It is a Telehealth VIDEO visit. The app on my laptop signals that...

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4th July

4th July

Independence day July 4 1776 in the USA Freedom Day Today does not feel that level of independence as it was meant to once represent by the founding...

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to be loved

to be loved

To be loved When I have been wronged by someone it is so easy to judge, get bitter, and become unforgiving. All I know is how I feel. The anger, the hurt...

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