Year: 2023

Blame For the longest time I have been subservient to my anger, and to my envy. This has led me to blame others when events in my life did not go...

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Story time   I settle in for the night and pick up a book to read. My mind begins to wander. I nestle into the book with more focus and turn the...

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When we embrace our deepest fears, they no longer have any power over us.   That is when we first begin to taste our own freedom   Your...

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When I look up to the stars and heavens and ask for answers...   I see the universe asking me " who are you? " & "what are you doing?"   I...

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Welcome to the july full moon.   It goes by many names. For example the Buck full moon based on the farmers almanac or the Hay moon in Europe due to...

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Happiness is never external   It exists within...   Always has, always will...   Find your bliss .............. I love you

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Connection or attachment   It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language...

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  I am sure you have seen this beautiful picture circulating the internet. It is the image of a full rainbow noted at 30000 feet. I have never seen...

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There are plenty of times throughout my day, week, month, year and in fact my entire life where I have moments of fear, stress, anxiety, to the point of...

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Finding your wonders of the world   There will always be a time where the landscape of your mind is barren. Ideas may come and go yet nothing suits...

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Happy medal monday   As I recoup all my memories of yesterday’s spectacular event, I process those emotions, and integrate the body and spirit for a...

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I have at times pondered the differences of knowledge and wisdom. Some have mocked me with the notion that this is all simply philosophy.   So I...

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