Unreciprocated love.

How many times have you loved someone and only felt that love spurned ?

How many times have you offered love but not received the same in return?

How many times have you been afraid to offer love in fears that it will be rejected?

We have all experienced these situations from our childhood to the present. Whether the love was towards a parent, a child, a friend, or someone we were infatuated with and too scared to approach. It is human nature. We may even be brave enough to offer that love yet it is not reciprocated. And perhaps we do not even offer if, due to the same fear.

Then there is a little known thing called unrequited love. Most will say that it is the same as unreciprocated love. I disagree. They are worlds apart as are their ramifications. Unrequited love is to offer love unconditionally without the preexisting notion that it will ever be returned. There lies much magic in this form of love, as we alone are in command of this love.

To offer it freely is a complete choice that we can make. TO have that level of freedom is not only liberating but majestic. To offer love from the heart space unconditionally is akin to sailing the oceans without fear and be able to command the ship to travel in any direction at will.

To not receive love back, and yet have the courage to direct that love intentionally is unrequited love. It is the essence of a love that does not have to be shared and yet we alone command it. When we gamble for the sake of love with this power what is there to fear?

Such is the mystery of unrequited love, a deep sacred well of unlimited potency and potentiality that can be waved with discretion by the owner. To say “ I love you” from this state of being, is the ultimate elixir of life, transcendent and bright.


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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