During my recent trip to London, I had an interesting experience. So coming from the USA, what struck me as quite peculiar, was that the public toilets are paid. In other words, if one has to use the facilities, one has to pay a fee !! Seriously !


So as I went around London relieving myself, I was also relieving my finances each time! So off I stopped over at Westminster tube station, and of course to my luck on a full bladder the men’s room was closed. Yet the attendant informed me that it was perfectly acceptable to use the women’s lavatory.


I went inside, paid my “dues” and for a moment walking into the women’s restroom was quite bewildering. Every part of me was screaming, “do not go in”, all except my bladder of course that cried for authority on the plan of action.


SO there I stood in the middle of the WC, and I saw women in front of me coming out of the stalls. It was weird to no end. I felt like apologizing, as if I had entered unknowingly or by accident, but I had every right of being there and I had a paid receipt to prove it. Finally male and female all peeing in the same temporarily unisex facility. We were all one. No one was distinguishing genders, just coming together for a common cause to urinate etc. The only other gender neutral restroom that I have ever seen is the public swimming pool or a lake or a pond no less for outdoor swimming.


The second thought I had right after the perceived awkwardness, that mind you was getting more relieved at the rate of my deflated bladder, was simply that if we all simply get over all our social “norms” and expectations, then people can come together and work towards a common goal. It is by “relieving” ourselves of our biases and judgements we can better the globe, in a world divided by opinions, and mindsets. In an ecology surviving from the minds of people instead of thriving from the hearts of humanity, we divide not just from each other but from ourselves., from our soul connection to divinity.


I would invite you to look at the person next to you, a stranger, a friend, and learn to become more divine within that human.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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