In our modern day of social media, political turmoils, and celebrity overtures, I find myself asking a particular question: What is the difference between character and reputation?




SO I used to think that they were synonymous, but I realized that I could not have been farther from the truth. The blitz of the scrolling instagram feeds, the gaudy showings of wealth and fame by our famous celebrities and the gestures of the rambunctious political ambitions all give us an idea of who these people are. But is it truly WHO they are?




How does one define who someone is based on what we see online or in person? That is where the words character and reputation come to play. The latter is the attachment of ideas based on other peoples opinions, which character is what someone does when no one is looking. To clarify this distinction a little further with a day to day example. Let us say that we are driving and we have an empty soda can. We would like dispose of it, but our children in the backseat. Now to keep up the good parent reputation we may say out loud that “we must not throw garbage out of the car especially while driving, it would be irresponsible and illegal.”




Yet when no one is in the car, and so no one is looking, do we throw the can out the window or keep it till our next stop and drop it off in the nearest garbage receptacle. Now this minor example can be used in any walk of life, whether at home, the office, in relationships and so on. What we say and what we do must align with integrity. What we say to another and what we even think about them behind their back must be the same and transparently displayed. It is in this state of integrity that we find our most authentic self, and only once we have discovered this self that we can realize WHO we are.




The states of authenticity and integrity are not easy fields of intention to embrace. It requires the clearing of mindsets, judgments and fears that serve as barriers to the resonance of our heart space. It takes effort to look beyond our past, our ills and wounds and allow them all heal. Yet this is not impossible, and what is even more important is that once having reached these states, to be able to maintain the frequency of these gifts. This is the journey of self discovery that each of us are asked to travel for it is this path that leads us to the zero point of light and unconditional love.


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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