Aug 2, 1990. The day my life changed. For the better or for the worse, only time would tell. The Iraqi invasion of my then home in Kuwait was in full swing. The first Gulf war had begun. I recall very clearly every aspect of the experience. The invading force coming with tanks, the execution of the Kuwaiti soldiers, the terrible 6 week ordeal of staying hidden in the house while bombings kept us awake all night and the constant fear of being captured.




Looking back 34 years later I recall my past with reverence and awe. All those friendships lost, then regained from my school days as a young lad. My world travels and schooling across the globe may never have happened if I had not been led to escape that frightful war. The learnings have been far and wide and those adventures burn bright within my body, my heart and mind each day.




This memory of that war swiftly reminds me of how my life has been literally shaped by good and seemingly bad events. Yet each event be they good had drawbacks and those perceived bad events had significant benefits. All experiences in life have some degree of learning. I cherished the memories of my childhood, and now as an adult I have put away my childish things, yet they still serve as a reminder of where I have once come fro, and so I cannot escape them, nor should I. Simply honor the past for what it was and the future what it will be, and be present for what is, and witnessing life as a blessing. The past is just as sacred as my future timelines.




Aug 2, 1990 will be forever a part of me. A time of loss of home, a heroic escape with my family as a 15 year old, and a massive nudge by the universe to grow up. I honor my friends from my childhood, those I have reconnected with and those I have lost but each person have made some sort of impact on my life. Each memory serves as a chisel to carve out the version of me that I am today. And I create new adventures today that will become memories for all my tomorrows.




A simple gratitude with love for an ever supportive universe that guides me in each moment, teaching and nourishing me.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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