Had a lovely conversation with one of long time patients. I have known her for over 15 years. I have taken her through many a troubled time in her health, her hospitalizations, a few near death experiences and as early as yesterday, a cheerful office visit.


The encounter began with typical reply when asked how are you…


“ I am upright and passing gas so things are good” , to which she replied “ same.”


I started to chat about her pacemaker and the longevity of the battery etc etc.


“ This pacemaker will last at least another 11 years”


“Do you think I will last that long doc?” She asked.


“ Well under my care, I am hoping you will, and I get to change battery for you too” I joked.


“ I have lived a long 84 years, I am good, but I have to tell you something important” she said as she leaned in a little closer towards me.


She then noted “ SO I have told my kids that I want to be cremated when I die.”


“ Fair enough “ I nodded.


“ Doc that is the only chance I will ever get to have a smoking hot body” she roared with a cackling laughter.


I slapped my knee and we both were in tears of laughter.


“ They better take out my pacemaker before I go in, otherwise it may blow up the crematorium.” She said as she continued her joke.


“ BOOM” I replied. “ But yes they do remove it “ I reassured her.


We had more conversations about her present conditions and eventually called it quits as we both ended the visit. I helped her get out of the chair and grab the walker as she wobbled towards the door.


“ See you back in 6 months Mrs S”. I said.


She turned and replied “ I look forward to it, I enjoy our chats and your smile”.


Laughter is still the best medicine. It gets the nervous system engaged, gets the blood flowing, and the lymphatics moving, and hence the immune system engaged with all the good hormones in full swing. No medication can beat the power of a good laugh.


Stay amused, life is too busy and can be very chaotic to take it seriously.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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