What we get out of our search engine as we peruse the World Wide Web is just as important as what we put into it. We all have experienced this phenomenon in which we type in a relatively vague question and get a variety of possibilities and it takes that much longer to find the answer as we have scour through the seemingly endless results.




Not surprisingly we have the same issue in life. We rummage around going about our day, looking for the answers to life’s greatest questions of who are we? Why are we here? Where do we come from? What do we want or seek? How to live healthy ? Yet we are at times mistakenly given replies that lead us astray from our true paths. Perhaps because we are not being specific enough or using the wrong search engines.




In this vast network of information we search, and we search and we search, but the answers we need or want do not come. The guide we are using is usually the mind. This is already pre populated with filters that are inherently biased to what we seek. It is our hearts rather it is our intuition that is the authentic engine of choice when trying to find responses to our innate questions.




It is in the heart that answers that we would love to hear are birthed, the same answers that are designed to guide us with a higher frequency, a sacred tone of wisdom that unlocks our divinity and our connections to each other and our universe at the most fundamental levels.




It is said that our reality is based on the quality of questions that we ask. So we are invited to inquire about our reality with better questions to be inserted into the engine of our heart. The information super highway is merely a collection of facts that is part of the network of connected human minds, this is known as the internet. The computer of the cosmos that holds all knowledge with integrity is the intranet that resides in the human heart.




It is wise to trust our internal divine search engine for our answers, it really does know everything.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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