Ever been to the ocean? The fresh salty air, the waves sloshing at the feet, and the sandy beach in between the toes all makes for a liberating experience. The one action that all of us love doing is inserting our hands into the water, feeling the flow in between our fingers. It does give us a sense of connectivity.


Immersing our hands in the water feels like we are part of the whole ocean. Our relatively small hands link up to the vastness of the waters as if we were one with this large body of energetic greatness. I have tried on occasion to grasp the water in my hand by making a fist, only to find nothing remaining. An empty hand is unfortunately the only outcome. This got me thinking as many of these situations usually do.


Love is like the ocean, vast, flowing, infinite and always full and abundant. When we immerse ourselves into love unconditionally, we become part of this energetic field of intention that envelopes the entire universe. Like the hand in the water, there is no separation of hand or the water, us or the universe, just a seemingly endless connection, as the hand becomes one with ocean, as we become one with universe through this field of love.


When we choose to control that love with conditions that are created from our doubts, fears and judgments, it is akin to us trying to grasp the water, holding on to it and making it ours. We end up with an empty heart and life. We are invited to explore the grandeur of love by diving in and becoming part of it and not trying to carve out a piece of love for ourselves. This is the difference between unconditional and conditional love. Separation and control only lead us astray.


The water like true love is an energy force that cannot be separated but it can be connected to. Our greatest folly is thinking that we are divided from the water, love and distance ourselves from the universe. We are made up of water, love and all the particles of the cosmos, so how can we be separate.


We cannot be. We are not individual but a collective of the field of love. Grasping for control only alienates us instead of uniting us with the beautiful ocean of life and love.


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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