Early one morning I spotted something glimmering in the daylight in the relatively newly planted vegetable garden. I gently walked over to the overflowing branches of unripe tomato plants that had self assembled on the trellises in the form of a formidable tree like structure. And there hidden between the leaves and the camouflaged green tomatoes was one tiny little ripe red tomato.


The first of its kind that was ready to be plucked, but I could not just cut off one, so I left it there for its neighbors to join it on its evolutionary journey. Why is this solo tomato so significant I wondered. It has taken the entire summer from early spring for this tomato plant to flourish with plenty of sunlight, fresh water, and nourishing soil to deliver so far just one solitary ready tomato. This garden has taught me patience.


Patience is what it takes to have anything of worth grow. Not just in the vegetable garden but in life in general. Regular studying and long years of reading, sacrificing and hard work can lead one to a successful career. A patient practice of saving and investing one’s earning leads to profitable returns decades later. Habitual exercise and routinely eating healthy foods pays dividends with increased wellness.


Patience is the key ingredient in all of these fruitful events. Anything that is meant to last is not easy to cultivate. Anything that is too easy to create or acquire, does not last. Such is the nature in wealth generating, health building and especially true in relationships. Time is the factor that influences all things, without us even realizing it. Do you plant a seed and keep digging it up to see if it is growing into an apple tree?


No. We plant it and wait. So is the nature of the seeds within us. Just like in every seed lies a magnificent tree, so too each of us carries the light of a 1000 stars, waiting to radiate and shine. Faith, trust and patience.


The magic has always been inside of our hearts, planted but not buried, always trickling at the surface, trying to break through its mold of mindsets and manifest a new world.


Today’s practice leads to tomorrow’s progress. So practice patiently, in fact practice patience.



I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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