Each day I get up with some intention of what I wish to accomplish that day. I make a list of what I want to do, what I want to read, write, where do I need to go, chores, goals etc. This is a habit for me as I suspect the same for many people. Make a plan for the day. Yet on this morning I am reminded of a more somber event.


years ago 343 fire fighters, 71 law enforcement, 55 military personnel, 2977 people had an intention that fated day


They all had dreams, goals, plans to be with their families at dinner perhaps, complete projects, ideas to do great things, yet each of them had all these extinguished in an instant…


And 1000s of more people have been effected by the aftermath and either died or lives altered unintentionally


So for me the learning was to enjoy each day for what it is.. tell the people we love how we feel, do the things we dream to not one day but today


Tomorrow is not a guarantee, but today is an opportunity to LIVE AND LOVE


And so in the spirit of solidarity and humble gratitude I say from my heart






I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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