Been feeling quite overwhelmed lately. The collective chaos of massive super storms creating havoc for millions down in the south of the USA, with huge losses of homes, power, landscape, ecosystems and life. The atrocities of the war torn Middle East, the investigations of the nefarious dealings of music moguls and learning about the extent of the vast wretched network that feeds into the entertainment, business and political arenas. The political mess in most countries revealing the horrible corruptions, the upcoming potential devaluation of the dollar that may lead to global economic collapse, and the list of just this past week’s research and deep dives have left me stressed and worried.


The darkness has been ever more present and onerous than before. I have known these above issues and many more for years, having researched them extensively, but the sudden expansive nature of it all just got to me. It would you too, if you also did your own research and came to these conclusions.


A much needed walk in the grass and deep seated meditation in the sunlight helped me, rather reminded me of a truth that I have always known. If there is growing darkness in the world then there must also be growing light in the world. Such are the laws of balance and nature. It is a choice to be sucked into the darkness. To succumb to its draw, to be fully immersed into its lure and destroy oneself into its magic is a choice. It is equally a choice to focus on the light, live in it, embrace it and become one with that light.


There are those that have the idea that darkness is the absence of light, and the convictions that the light can never return. Yet the light always returns and in effect it has never left. The light has always been there waiting to show us the new, the possible, the impossible, our strengths, new challenges to grow. It shows us that the darkness cannot swallow us whole, and we are stronger than we believe or perceive.


The light and the dark have always been at odds in the duality of the universe. A war that is waged in the cosmos and within our minds and bodies. The battle ground is our very lives, yet it is a choice to chase the allure of the dark power as those who thrive in the illusion of the entertainment, media, political and economic industries, or find the light that is spiritually grounding and nourishing to our cells, bodies, minds, hearts and soul.


Now more in balance, i will continue my mission and vision of purpose to empower and heal others in all 7 areas of life.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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