I met this lovely 81 year old patient last week. He had come in for a new visit with me but it was not the first time I had met him. An interesting story now unfolds. So about a year ago I was at a restaurant with my wife ( and yes with all the kid activities it is quite rare that she and I get any alone time to eat without the kids.) Anyway we sat at the table waiting for a waiter to order ourselves a meal and there I caught the sight of this older gentleman standing near our table waiting for his to go order. Now surprisingly he got his order faster than we got ours despite us being there for longer, which gave me the idea that next time we need to order a To go meal .


He saw the two of us and decided to come over and start having a chat with us. It started innocently with conversations about the weather and what was good on the menu, and it turned into what profession I was in and where I worked. The next thing I knew he was telling all about his medical history and his medications ! Now for some reason whether I am on a bus, train, airplane, airport, supermarket or trying to have a quiet dinner, I seem to attract strangers who wish to share their life stories and anything medical, including the illnesses of their relatives. So I am quite used to the conversation style. He was a retired surgeon himself and after telling me all about his medical issues ( and that of his wife’s as she waited at home for dinner to be brought to her), he left, without me knowing his name or any other details.


Fast forward a year he now sat in my examining room with a big smile on his face.


“ Good to see you again” he said beaming. “ Did you know that I have been searching for you for a year? I needed a cardiologist and when I got home that night from the restaurant I realized you were exactly the doctor I needed, you had to be my cardiologist“


I had to admit I was a little embarrassed and flattered at the same time. Even more to my surprise I actually recalled his entire story from a year ago ! I listened to his issues and filled in the blanks with what I recalled. We had rekindled a sort of friendship, that seemed to take off just where it left off from a year ago.


After he departed, I thought to myself on my short walk back to my small cubicle sized room. Each of us are exactly where we are meant to be and will meet up with those we are meant to meet up at the right time and place. The universe will always guide us to where and when we are supposed to be there. Gratitude to being able to help ( perhaps at long last).




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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