When we choose to be grateful we invariably become quite present and begin the gratitude list starting with everything around us.

We may thank the universe for

our home,

our possessions,

our friends,

our children,

our spouse,

our job,

our car (s),

Our garden,

Our food,

Our eye sight

Our sense of smell,

our speech

Our sense of taste,

Our body,

Our internet,

Our home amenities

Our country

Our planet


And the list goes on.


( mind you if you have never done gratitude journaling the above list is a good place to start. Make it as expansive as you can)


But I find that in many journals there is something missing. Can you guess what it is?


Here it is: YOU !!


How often are we grateful to the universe for ourselves? Not just the body but who and what we are beyond the senses and the body.


The essence of YOU.


You may want to add that back in to the list.


The universe is certainly grateful for YOU, the only thing left is are you grateful for YOU ( wholeheartedly and unconditionally)


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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