Who am I with my story?


An interesting question. It is within my story that I surround myself. It gives me an identity. My story gives me the perception of purpose, my story clothes me. MY story protects me. My story excuses me. My story connects me to others. My story gives me time and space as a point of reference. My story gives me meaning to my life. My story is strong. My story is weak.


Who am I with my story?


My story holds a legacy. My story insulates me from reality. My story binds me to my world. My story holds my wounds. My story is where I am comfortable. My story provides me with nourishment. My story is the entertainment of others. My story is my history. My story is good and bad. My story is adopted. My story is the weave that I had created to occupy my mind.


Who am I with my story?


my story is the connection of my natural family. My story is my disconnection with my higher self. My story is the essence of the illusion I have created. My story is the fabricated magic of my polarized mind. My story is the mask that I wear. My story is what I allow others to see and hear. My story tells me I am the pieces of a larger story. My story keeps me in fragments. My story was created by others to hold me where I am.


Who am I without my story?


I am not my story. I am me. I am the vulnerability of my soul. I am the authentic nature of my heart. I am the essence of Divine experience. I am the raw fabric of the cosmos in flesh form. I am the light of my Love. I am without beginning or end. I am not held back by anyone else’s story. I transcend the fantasy and nightmare of a tale manufactured lifetimes ago. I am my voice. I am the expression of that which is true. I am that I am.


I love you

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