Who we listen to is very important.
Even in jest when some says “ you are crazy, or you are an idiot, or you are overweight etc.” the brain and the mind hears everything. When we are given praise such as “ you are beautiful, you are intelligent, you are courageous, you are amazing” the brain and mind hears that too.
What happens is that our higher cognitive functions does not differentiate by what it is absorbing, it just knows that it is. And regardless of the message, subconsciously it begins to act upon them. Try berating someone all the time with negative comments then they do start to believe that they are “ dumb, incompetent, worthless, mean, selfish”. Try the same thing with different words such as “ brilliant, smart, gorgeous, bright, arduous, magnificent “ they start acting in the manner as the words command.
Words are like spells. That is why it is called “spelling”. Words have magic and potency and should be used carefully. Even muttering insults under our breath still creates the energy of ill-will and mistrust and once invoked it is transmitted to the intended target. Then the question begs is what if we think a thought does that get transmitted too? Well, yes thoughts also have potency of energy, but if the sender is not truly powerful enough and experienced in mind control then it would be too weak of a transmission to make any difference in outcome. But the self thoughts usually still change the way we speak.
We become what we hear. So the proposal is to listen to what our Source has to say to us through the voice of our heart in the form of our intuition. It is wise to not listen to the negative thinking speech, the voices that try to keep one down, ignored and miserable.
It is recommended to listen not to those demonic voices or forces that attempt to suppress who we are and what we are capable of accomplishing, but instead of the heart that speaks the truth and allows us to become what we choose to become. It is the mind that interferes.
The speech of unconditional love supersedes the voice of reason and intellect, by infinite fold for this speech guides, heals and nourishes us towards our own next evolution of light.
I love you