Written by Nitin

New Blogs

Just in case you woke up today confused delirious and forgetful here is a little reminder. You are beautiful for WHO you are You are beautiful for WHAT...

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Revolutionary results are achieved by an Evolutionary process   Revolutionary results are not achieved by a Revolutionary process.   Change...

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There are times when we are told we need to be loved   There are times when we are told we need to love   Let's be clear.   We do not need...

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Did you know you wear numerous hats each day?   You are the actor (actress), director, producer, playwright, of your own play of your life.  ...

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We live amongst near-infinite bright stars, yet we see only the darkness of space.   We are surrounded by abundance yet we preach scarcity.  ...

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Your heart is like a parachute....   Most useful when you have it fully open to love ............. I love you

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Weekly Blogs

Revolutionary results are achieved by an Evolutionary process   Revolutionary results are not achieved by a Revolutionary process.   Change...

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Welcome to the Solar eclipse. I usually write about Lunar influences, but Solar eclipses are just as magical and important. These are akin to the New...

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Everyday do one thing that scares you, And every day do one thing that brings you joy and happiness   In this way by conquering your fears and...

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Be like a rock in the water   Not allowed to be moved   Not allowing to be swayed   The water like life's circumstances going over it,...

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Each morning my prayer I surrender all experiences today to the universe , so that  1 the universe can know itself 2 the universe can know...

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I whispered into the ear of the universe :   " where do I find love ?"   The universe whispered back in my ear :   " it is already there...

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" balance is the unlocked door to love"- Nitin Bhatnagar   ................ I love you

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When people who judge you or verbally assault you, simply remember it is their own innocence that cries out for attention by you   Their abuse is...

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There is an idea that we can never progress forward as we are held back by not having ever received a love in the past. From someone who either never...

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