When we die many ancient cultures believed that we go through a judgment process before being allowed entry into the nirvana or heavenly abode, or the Alyssian fields. We are forced to go through the “ pearly “ gates but first we must be answer certain questions asked by the divine gods or angels, the keepers of the sacred kingdoms.

Different mythologies have specific questions and our replies are weighed for their level of burden. If we have been full of regret, doubts, fears and lived an ill lotted life then we may be heading south to the proverbial hellish realms. The human heart is placed on the cosmic scale and balanced against a feather, according to folk lore. If the heart is lighter then the person is gained access to heaven, if not then the alternative.

In many cultures there are 2 questions that require reckoning.

“ Have you experienced joy in your life?” And “ Have you brought joy to others?”

Each morning I ask myself these same queries, as I reflect on the previous day and set my attention to rectify them throughout the day if the answer is no. I find that if I create this intention as I go forward, I hope to be able to answer the questions truthfully when interrogated at the end of my life. It requires daily work to become lighter than a feather. To become unburdened by the mindsets and judgments of life and lifestyles is a serious commitment.

The answers must be truthful and come from a space of authenticity and integrity. Yet this is also the path to unconditional love. When there is no conditions of judgment placed upon the mind, body and spirit. Hard to do, yes, impossible? Certainly not.

Our mission in life is to experience life in its entirety. Whole and fully. It does not mean that we are not to have judgment, of course we do. in fact judgment is how we navigate our environments, metaphorically we test the waters through our doubts and opinions of others and situations. Yet to transcend judgment it become divine, and that I believe is the goal of this life. To surpass the mind and its personas and find the heart and open its doors to unconditional love, to become lighter than the proverbial feather.

These 2 “after life “questions are best inquired each day to be able to then live life with further clarity. It is like cheating on an exam. To know the questions before the examination, however the cosmic joke is the answers to the divine questions change depending on the individual.

So have you experienced joy? And have you brought joy to others ?

Answer truthfully, your life may just depend on it. 🙂


I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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