An athlete will never judge you for starting to workout to get healthy.


A chef will never stop you from trying to learn how to cook.


A millionaire will never get upset for starting a business.


A musician will never stop you from trying to learn to sing or play an instrument.


Those who will try to stop you from doing something with their judgments are those that have either never done it, or too scared to try it. So by judging you for what you do, it brings them into a state of superiority if they can bring you down and themselves up.




Whenever we wish to try something new, what do we first tend to do? We ask for the opinion of those closest to us. Now if that person has no idea what we are talking about, they will most likely tell us that we are either crazy or it is too hard so we should forget about it. Yet if we go out to seek the opinion of those who have already tried that venture, they will be more than happy and patient to help us and act as guides most of the time.


This is perfectly natural. Anything we do not understand or does not support our values, we shrink away from and stay within our comfort zone. And more over to support that fear, we then attempt to dissuade someone else from doing the same. Fear breeds fear. Misery loves company.


Yet those who have attempted, failed, tried again and succeeded will see us novices as having similar values, and find a way to become our benefactors and guide us along our new endeavors. Those with similar values attract, those with dissimilar values distract.


The bottom line lesson is to find what we love to do and just go do it, letting go of others’ opinions.




I love you

Author: Brown Knight

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