Revolutionary results are achieved by an Evolutionary process Revolutionary results are not achieved by a Revolutionary process. Change...
Welcome to the Solar eclipse. I usually write about Lunar influences, but Solar eclipses are just as magical and important. These are akin to the New...
Everyday do one thing that scares you, And every day do one thing that brings you joy and happiness In this way by conquering your fears and...
Be like a rock in the water Not allowed to be moved Not allowing to be swayed The water like life's circumstances going over it,...
Each morning my prayer I surrender all experiences today to the universe , so that 1 the universe can know itself 2 the universe can know...
I whispered into the ear of the universe : " where do I find love ?" The universe whispered back in my ear : " it is already there...
" balance is the unlocked door to love"- Nitin Bhatnagar ................ I love you
When people who judge you or verbally assault you, simply remember it is their own innocence that cries out for attention by you Their abuse is...
There is an idea that we can never progress forward as we are held back by not having ever received a love in the past. From someone who either never...