Daily Writings

Fun Exercise

Fun Exercise

Good morning loves Here is a fun exercise Find a picture that you feel gives you the most sense of balance. It can be a picture of you being balanced, or...

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Affirmations I am worthy of love I am worthy to offer love to others I am worthy to receive love from others I am worthy of love ( repeat every day )...

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Nature Lessons

Nature Lessons

A poem about Natures Lessons I walk carefree through the forest of my life till I accidentally step on to a leaf filled with wisdom Its teaching struck...

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When people ridicule you, do not be frightened or upset. Most people are trying to humiliate you as it is too painful for them not to be like you. You...

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Find Peace

Find Peace

" I have tried many things and I just can't find peace." " I feel crazy with all what's going on, I just feel lost" These are just some of the many...

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Never feel shame or guilt for trying and failing, for he who has never failed is he who has never tried. -With blessings of Love, Light and Wisdom...

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Life is Magnificent

Life is Magnificent

Life is a magnificent experiment through research, understanding and discovery. Life is not about looking under the rock or behind a bush to simply say "...

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Affirmations I am worthy of love I am worthy to offer love to others I am worthy to receive love from others I am worthy of love ( repeat every day )...

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Failure has no definition except one, which is the inability to achieve one's said objective, goal or purpose. However success has numerous definitions...

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Dark Trail

Dark Trail

Ever been on a dark trail and you cannot see the path? I know I have. What do you do? Well take out a flashlight and shine the way and travel on that...

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