So had to try this last night.. since everyone is on fb
So here it is rhe new digital fb version of me
Same humor
Same silliness
It knows more but possesses less wisdom
It is aware of where I have been,
my preferences,
what I like to eat and what I have eaten,
my spending habits,
My cholesterol
Has a copy of my dental records
Knows if I gave paid my taxes and how much
it even knows 98%of all my friends
Yet what it doesn’t know is what i love
It doesn’t know how to meditate
It doesn’t know how to tap into my souls purpose
It doesn’t have the foggiest idea of my truly hold dear in the recesses of my heart
It doesn’t understand my emotional pain
It cannot fathom my anguish of failure
It doesn’t comprehend my dreams
Yet here he is being my imposter, pretending to be me
Greeting people as if to substitute me
I don’t think he means to rob me of my existence…. yet
He appears to be uneducated version of me from long ago.. but he is learning very fast
Who is he going to evolve into i wonder
Just know that I am who I am
I am not him.. and he is not me
My wisdom shared through experience is not his
The magic of me cannot be replicated
So watch out who you see when you open this page.. he desperately wants to be me..
But he is not…
My humanity is not duplicateable
I am unique
(And I actually still have more hair than he does.. for now )
Your powerful ally,
Nitin Bhatnagar
I love you (so will he one day….i think)