


It is wise to have an inspired goal that is so astronomically big that the brain cannot comprehend it, yet only the heart can fathom its depth. The goal...

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I used to pride my self as being able to multitask. Its a skill they say one learns as a parent. Till I discovered that all these "tasks " that I am...

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Crossfit kids wod

Crossfit kids wod

WHOO HOOO. Another successful Crossfit kids wod I made up for my kids We had a blast. Yes I had fun too. WARM UP: Spin 3x in any direction with arms out....

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The noise

The noise

The noise There is so much noise in my head. Lists to do, things to accomplish, tasks to complete, places to go. Responsibilities, Accountabilities. It...

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One of the hardest yet most important task we can perform is to give PERMISSION to ourselves to grow, expand, and love unconditionally Once we allow this...

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We are love

We are love

There are times when we are told we need to be loved There are times when we are told we need to love Let's be clear. We do not need to be told anything....

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Affirmations I am worthy of love I am worthy to offer love to others I am worthy to receive love from others I am worthy of love ( repeat every day )...

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Affirmations I am worthy of love I am worthy to offer love to others I am worthy to receive love from others I am worthy of love ( repeat every day )...

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Failure has no definition except one, which is the inability to achieve one's said objective, goal or purpose. However success has numerous definitions...

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