The difference between 2 minutes. As i bumble around in my busy life do I afford myself the wisdom of 2 minutes? I may look down at my...
" balance is the unlocked door to love"- Nitin Bhatnagar ................ I love you
What does it mean to be highly motivated? To pursue ones goals regardless of the challenges that may come forth. To have been able to be mindful and...
Why do people hurt others? We can create all sorts of debates to understand this timeless and time tested issue of human behavior. We can say that...
Ever wondered where they came up with the idea of the name for the month of august? It was originally named after the famous Roman emperor...
We arrive at a critical juncture of our timeline that we have all been traveling over the last few months Full moons, new moons, lunar and solar...
Everyday dare to venture deeper in discovering who you are and what you are capable of. Everyday dare to see yourself in a different light. ...
Love comes unexpectedly, Love comes to remove our false masks, Love comes to unearth our fears Love comes to rid us of hurts ...
When people who judge you or verbally assault you, simply remember it is their own innocence that cries out for attention by you Their abuse is...
The needs of the many may outweigh the needs of the few.....or the needs of the one The needs of the one may outweigh the needs of the few.... Or...
There is an idea that we can never progress forward as we are held back by not having ever received a love in the past. From someone who either never...
Slow down your thoughts Feel the moment Allow the feelings to wash over you See what lies below the surface of the busy mind...