When you are feeling sad, frustrated and unsupported.. Please remember than billions of your cells, and ALL your muscles, tendons, ligaments and...
What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a...
The other day at my son’s swim competition during the finals there was an acute shortage of timing judges. Many parents scrambled to do the job as...
An unlikely visitor Playing in the driveway we were having fun. On the bicycles or playing ball, I forget. I popped back to the the garage to get...
Every day the struggle is real. Convincing myself that the day will go as planned. Working at creating my future. Hoping that my ideas will come to...
Staying hydrated. We are at least 60% made out of water. As we step into the summerish months drinking water is even more important but so is...
Little article I was featured in about triathlons Enjoy ! https://www.primeontheweb.com/featurestory/testing-their-mettle/
Take in a deep breath. Feel it fill every part of your lungs. When we follow the synchronicity of our breath we uncover that which follows. The...
In quiet contemplation I had a beautiful awareness the other day, thought I would share. Life is not without its opposites. We try to be...
What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a...
I have been going to many of my son’s swim competitions. Varying sized pools, near and far at different institutions. Lots of parents and athletes...
Remember my locked out phone story? Well I had an interesting reflection. We live in a world of privacy. Or at least a world of illusionary...