These days technology has taken a sharp up-leveling in comparison to humans. The birth of A.I. is not just something out of the Terminator movies...
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Clearly a phrase that if it worked it would out me out of business, unless I buy an apple farm. It is a...
To moms everywhere HAPPY mother's day To my mom a tremendous thank you for always unconditional love and eternal encouragement and faith in me...
Medal Monday I put up this hook after several years and hung these race end acknowledgments. Some may think of these as pride...
Be grateful for your strength and accomplishments for they have taken you far. Be grateful for your weaknesses and failures for they have taught...
The other day I came down with the common cold on top of severe seasonal allergies. This led To a short case of laryngitis. Some moments I sounded like...
The great mask enforcing law has finally been lifted. For 3 years I have been roaming around like a masked crusader in the office. I have had many...
For the last 6 days it has rained and rained and rained. Finally the rain broke giving way to the sunshine, cold wind and petrichor. Petrichor is...
There are always 2 forces acting at any time. An action and a reaction A positive and a negative A push and a pull When we...
The other day I came down with the common cold on top of severe seasonal allergies. This led To a short case of laryngitis. Some moments I sounded like...
I have heard that the way to success is for one to dream big. I think that is great advice. Yet. So does that mean if I dream small I will...
Happy Friday Happy Full moon with lunar eclipse. By now the effects of this magnificent cosmic combination is being experienced all around...