May the FOURTH be with you When you see the wisdom all around you ! Everything and everyone teaches us something about ourselves in every...
It has been a rough few days. Wifey had to get surgery at end of last week. Thankfully, She will be ok, now the long road of healing of her shoulder...
Your anger will betray you Your separateness will pain you Your compassion will resolve you Your LOVE will make you whole...
Learning post # 359-Crystals I use crystals all the time. Whether in self meditation or when helping people via energetic medicine. I have had a...
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius knows its limits" It is time that everyone take responsibility and accountability for...
Yoda and Hulk. I see this picture everyday. Inspiring and in awe every time I view it. 2 figures that look so different in age, body...
There are days when we worry.. worry.. worry. Why? Because of someone else's opinion of us that they may have said to us or about us to...
The Unknown Stomach churns, heart beat quickens, sweat crawls upon my forehead. The sickness of the ache of not knowing the next moment is...
Deeper Reflections After the surgery she started off trying to sleep on the bed. This turned into attempts on the fainting...
You have but one purpose in different forms: Sow your greatness Embrace your love Awaken your potential Explore your...
Who am I with my story? An interesting question. It is within my story that I surround myself. It gives me an identity. My story gives me the...
When faced with negative thoughts, words, actions, energy the tendency is always to fight it or avoid it. Do neither Acknowledge it, smile...