"I know what it is like to lose" How many of us resonate with that sentiment? I would suspect all of us. We all have faced this emotional turmoil of loss...
We are on a space ship known as earth. We are rotating around our sun at 67000 miles and hour in a solar system that rotates around our galaxy center at...
So there is an unwritten tradition that one doesn't buy any iron man gear before doing the Iron man race... Same goes for not wearing the shirt from any...
A few weeks ago there was a worldwide craze of creating a 3d emoji of oneself and posting them online.. I saw many friends do them. They were cute and...
FEAR is like a puzzle... It takes time to make.... It has lots of pieces... Piece by piece of negative experiences... one after the other.... Fitting...
So the other day i had a 91 y old patient come see me We chatted about his health and had a great time talking about his life and things he had done When...
As I gather my thoughts of yesterday’s epic experience I am humbled and grateful Something amazing happened. I did my FIRST Sprint Triathlon. My FIRST...
On social media we see a lot of "likes" representing "I like this "post. We also hear many people say "I like you". Yet similarly we hear the three...
"Ordinary" has been put on notice. You are not ordinary. You are not a glimmer in the eye of the universe, but a super nova of energy. You are not a...
Who are we ? We are our parents' dreams We are sons of peace We are daughters of love We are brothers of courage We are sisters of compassion We are...
As our little planet is dragged by our sun through the arms of the loving milky way we pass through the 8:8 Lions Gate. This is an Ascension threshold...
Being alive and what it means to me? Alive means the coursing of warm blood in my veins. Alive means the breathing in of cold air as it fills my senses...