
Happy new year 2021

Happy new year 2021

Welcome to the new year. An unauthored chapter in our human evolution. A blip or iota of time in humanity’s existence. There is a beautiful sacredness...

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Cleaning Christmas

Cleaning Christmas

As we await the jolly elf to travel on Christmas eve to billions of homes there is a concern of germ spreading Thankfully his magic also comes with...

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Courage or stupidity

Courage or stupidity

There are times when we are faced with adversity and pushed into a corner. Life may feel unfair and we may feel like a victim. We may feel that everyone...

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As i sit here in my study pondering the last day of 2020 at 3am, I view all my experiences this year as one does a movie in fast forward. I ask my self...

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Certainty in chaos

Certainty in chaos

I never know how my day is going to start.. here is one version Daughter: aaaahhhhhh ( screaming and crying) Wifey: what happened? Daughter: my nose...

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Beaver full moon

Beaver full moon

Happy Beaver Full moon I thought I would break with tradition of my usual full moon writings and invocations on this particular full moon and its mind...

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Growing up

Growing up

When I was a kid I wanted to be an adult. Now as an adult I want to be a kid. The balance comes from knowing who you are and at what stage of life you...

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The clogged sink

The clogged sink

Clogged sink ! Again....and again... Tried everything..but it keeps getting clogged. When things like this happen... there is usually a sign or a message...

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