
True success

True success

True success is not wealth, or knowledge True success is the impact one has on humanity and the world So start by impacting 1 person, 1 child,......

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Seeds of change

Seeds of change

Just like a dead flower carries the seed for tomorrow's bloom... today's sadness carries the seed for tomorrows joy. Nothing lasts forever, not...

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pushing through

pushing through

There are plenty of times throughout my day, week, month, year and in fact my entire life where I have moments of fear, stress, anxiety, to the point of...

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Full moon

Full moon

Welcome to the full sturgeon moon If you have not slept in a few days or finding all kinds of erratic behaviors around you and within you, then you can...

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Rescuing the world

Rescuing the world

I choose NOT to rescue the world. I choose to serve the world. It is easy to see suffering and rush to pull someone out of it. It is easy to see an...

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solar eclipse

solar eclipse

If you are anything like me, then you have experienced the last several days to be chaotic and disorienting. Since the last lunar eclipse it has been one...

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Judgment is when you don't know Knowledge is when you do know Wisdom is Knowledge in action Love is the energetic light form of wisdom .............. I...

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new moon

new moon

Welcome Loves to the New moon of 20/2020 This is a powerful astronomical phenomenon. As part of the preparation work that the full moons, eclipses, new...

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