"It's your birthday !! Yay Lets celebrate with some delicious cake...." "You lost that race ? That's ok lets go and have some feel good delicious cake. "...
I am enough
Just remember today and everyday that you are enough. Say it again "I am enough" Yes say it again.. "I am enough" Once more loudly.."I AM ENOUGH" You are...
How can i help?
The single most vulnerable thing that you can do each day is looking at yourself in the mirror and asking yourself this question. " How can I help YOU...
Happy diwali
Happy Diwali. The Hindu Festival of Lights. A potent festivity celebrated throughout the world by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains commemorating the triumph of...
I am
I am my past deeds I am my future goals I am who I am now. I am my successes I am my failures I am my sadness I am my happiness I am my dreams I am my...
"Silence is not the absence of something, it is the presence of everything" Dr nitin Bhatnagar When we discover silence we discover ourselves When we...
November full moon
Welcome to the full moon that follows the 11/11 energy star portal which is a potent gateway for spiritual advancement and awakening Here is a little...
Today is perhaps the oldest day that I have ever been. Today is the youngest version I will ever be moving into the future. Tomorrow hasn't come...
Everyday just remember that no one is going to get up in the morning to inspire you. That's your job. When you are in gratitude for your life, you begin...
Solar eclipse
Christmas magic continues with the solar eclipse portal today. This is a powerfully fortuitous moment to be able to create intentions for the upcoming...
DOctors corner
DOctor's corner. An interesting story. I has a remarkable client who came to me with back pain. He had looked into traditional medicine and so far all...
Society labels you, me, us : A.D.H.D O.C.D P.T.S.D M.A.D S.A.D I would replace these labels with some of my own: U.N.I.Q.U.E S.M.A.R.T C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E...