I interrupt your daily broadcast for this announcement: If you need motivation to do anything in life e.g. Exercise, studying, a job, pursue commitments,...
We are in a magnificent eclipse corridor. With these 2 weeks we are oscillating between a Solar and a Lunar eclipse. There is deep healing of old wounds,...
Strawberry moon
The Full moon arrives with 2 planetary alignments bringing the Strawberry Moon in complete light. The mysteries here are revealed in the intensity of the...
Keyboard woes
Look at this picture carefully. Yes it is what it looks like. A patched up keyboard. Not mine. But my initial thought was just throw it away and get a...
Not being ordinary
"Ordinary" has been put on notice. You are not ordinary. You are not a glimmer in the eye of the universe, but a super nova of energy. You are not a...
Life is what it is...... not what we think life should be you are who you are ... not what you think others think you should be We are who we are... not...
I don’t know
"The most fundamental wisdom begins with the phrase " I dont know" This is the root of growth."- Dr Nitin Bhatnagar ................... I love you
A night in the thunderstorm
A night out in the thunder storm. The senses come alive with the approach of the predicted storm. The roaring rumble of the empty stomach of the enormous...
Sturgeon full moon
The Lions Gate portal closed this week giving way to integration of love and light. We are all faced with the wound healing of the heart, and so timely...
Never forget
" Never forget who we are and where we have come from, and from time to time, look up at the stars and remember "- Dr Nitin Bhatnagar...
Pipes of life
There are days when everything feels complicated, and convoluted. Those days I cannot see where things started or will end. I cannot make sense of...
What holds you back?
There are times when I have realized that the only thing that stands in the way of the realities of my choice, or my creating the dreams of my heart is...