
Recently we had our first snow fall of the season. It was wonderfully delicious. I snuggled myself in the first early morning cold, I enjoyed the taste...

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Find the innocence in every moment   Fall in love with the simplest of things   Welcome the abundance of love into every cell of your body...

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Be gentle with yourself. There is a time to push oneself and a time to pause and explore the time to heal and repair. From the time we are born we are in...

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Money.   It is what we use to trade goods and services..... we seem to always chase this commodity. It is what we use define our self worth through...

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One day.   These 2 words have pushed me to do things that I would otherwise have never accomplished, and yet also hold me prisoner.   My...

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Halloween   Halloween cometh. All Hallows Eve.   A great festival of pomp and celebration enjoyed by many in different cultures over a three...

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Wishing everyone a happy diwali...   This is the festival of lights and begins the hindu new year   A time when wisdom conquers ignorance...

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I had a beautiful experience when I had gone for my long run a short while ago... it was most unusual and it has taken me a month or two to unpack what I...

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While running any long distance event, there comes a time when we start to count and question our choices. For me that was at mile 18. The mind kicks in...

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I love the magic that surrounds me every autumn season. I find myself the task that I face is to understand the language of nature as I walk or run upon...

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"What troubles me most in the world right now?"   ANSWER: my thoughts .... there is nothing more in the world that can trouble me more than my own...

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Everyday before I goto bed I look myself in the mirror and say   " I love you. You did your best today and even though you may not have completed...

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