Christmas magic continues with the solar eclipse portal today. This is a powerfully fortuitous moment to be able to create intentions for the upcoming...
Love is energy
Love is an E-motion Love is Energy in MOTION Keep it moving ............... I love you
Full moon elf
Alvin the Elf's wisdom corner Welcome to a powerful week with the beginning of the Solstice, a magical cold moon and to top it off ending with my...
Failure has no definition except one, which is the inability to achieve one's said objective, goal or purpose. However success has numerous definitions...
11:11 Ascension star portal gateway 11:11 is a potent moment of self mastery. The incoming phonic light from the galactic center affect the earths...
I am light
I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is...
I Am Happy
Have you ever had a phrase stick in your head that you just can't get rid off? Well I did. It was written by my friend Dave Garrison, a therapist and...
11:11 Ascension star portal gateway 11:11 is a potent moment of self mastery. The incoming phonic light from the galactic center affect the earths...
Full moon elf
Alvin the Elf's wisdom corner Welcome to a powerful week with the beginning of the Solstice, a magical cold moon and to top it off ending with my...
I Am Happy
Have you ever had a phrase stick in your head that you just can't get rid off? Well I did. It was written by my friend Dave Garrison, a therapist and...