Life's complexities are challenges to be overcome and climbed over, and not obstacles to be avoided and circumvented... Have an awesome day !...
" Never forget who we are and where we have come from, and from time to time, look up at the stars and remember "- Dr Nitin Bhatnagar...
" Never forget who we are and where we have come from, and from time to time, look up at the stars and remember "- Dr Nitin Bhatnagar...
IMPERFECT Apostrophes are like little "pauses" of the English grammar. They are meant to show possession when used correctly. Look at the word above....
IMPERFECT Apostrophes are like little "pauses" of the English grammar. They are meant to show possession when used correctly. Look at the word above....
Connection or attachment It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language as if...
Welcome to the Summer Solstice of 2021. It is a magical time in the air on this day filled with ancient mystery and wisdom of what the elders dating back...
“ Let us go run a race” it is fun they said. “Let us go climb a mountain” it will be fun they said. Why is it that some activities appear to be more...
Something I tell my patients when I am confronted with a lack of willingness to exercise despite telling them all the benefits of leading an active and...
All celestial events have unique properties and so also unique influences upon us. The solar eclipse is one such event. A solar eclipse occurs at a new...
Gut imbalances
Yesterday was a weird sort of day. Felt tired, exhausted, and bloated. Fuzzy in the head, irritable, mood was off. For me sometimes the lack of sleep has...
Welcome friends to the Super blood Total blood moon eclipse Lots of words but intense energy being brought forth on this night. Let us unpack this rare...