I hate that !! A typical response to anything that we may find least pleasant is " I hate that", which quickly becomes " I cant do that" or " I dont want...
Three words
I love you Three little words that can change the way they make you feel. They can change your life around, turn it upside down or inside out. Make you...
The little guy
If you are a Marvel Avengers fan, then you are probably eagerly awaiting the arrival of the second part of the infinity wars. In a nut shell, Thanos, big...
Beautiful minds
Beautiful minds are those that inspire others. Beautiful hearts are those that love others Beauty begins by inspiring yourself Beauty begins by loving...
The journey begins
Birthday Shenanigans are over, time to get to work for the year ahead. So during my last 2 days of being sick and i have focussed to listen to my body...
I stepped out on to my drive way the other day after a snow storm. No foot prints had treaded the walk ways. It was beautiful, serene, clear and still....
Intuition is not a 6th sense from your mind. It is from your body. The physiology of your cells speak to you constantly. Trust your intuition Your body...
Full moon
Full moon magic arrives in the form of a Snow moon. This moon is second of the 3 super full moons of 2019. A powerful blast of cosmic energy is impacting...
Expansion of vision
Expand your vision Discover your gifts Unleash your full potential Live an empowered life. This is how I can assist you. I can help you to learn how to...
What is Valentine’s day
Hope you all had a fabulous and romantic valentines day spent with loved ones. I have always wondered about the origins of this day. I was brought up to...
" We can either be masters of our emotions or let our emotions master us" -Dr Nitin Bhatnagar We have 2 choices in any moment of time. Let our emotions...
Energy medicine
Energy medicine is not old school, it is OLD SCHOOL. It is what the ancients knew, and the younger races only now are beginning to remember. Healing...