“Darkness my old friend “is the famous lyric of the sound of silence song by Simon and Garfunkel in 1963. Most of us are quite afraid of the...
Each day we are faced with difficult decisions when faced with troublesome people or situations. We try to find solutions but at times those are not...
Most of us are on a journey. A convoluted path with no straight paths but rather lots of twists and turns that we cannot see the end or sometimes even...
What is our deepest fear? we live a life filled with fear even though we think at times that we are not. It is natural to be afraid to take the next...
A magic spell is in the air as we sense the January Full moon, the first one of the year. There is a terrific feeling of confusion and chaos that seems...
This new year the majority of us made goals and resolutions with intentions. Yes I have spoken about creating intentions into action steps and then...
There are times when we think we have it all figured out. We feel like we have control over our lives. Then boom, Mother Nature has a different lesson to...
There are times that we cannot see the future let alone have enough understanding of our present, and never mind about trying to analyze or unravel the...
One day. These 2 words have pushed me to do things that I would otherwise have never accomplished, and yet also hold me prisoner. My...
I do not often take vacations. Usually for the last 6 years all my “vacations” have been either time off to study or to go learn at 5 to 10 day courses...
While running any long distance event, there comes a time when we start to count and question our choices. For me that was at mile 18. The mind kicks in...
I love the magic that surrounds me every autumn season. I find myself the task that I face is to understand the language of nature as I walk or run upon...