On this day, our most common companions of the night sky come together in alignment to reveal the magical solar eclipse. Moon, earth and sun heralding a...
what is purpose?
I get asked by many clients I work with or those that I teach " What is my purpose? And how do I find it?" To address this briefly... One of the most...
Just in case you woke up today confused delirious and forgetful here is a little reminder. You are beautiful for WHO you are You are beautiful for WHAT...
I am thankful for
I am thankful for the slow truck driving in front of me. It helped slow me down to avoid the hidden police speed trap down the road. I am thankful for...
“ It is ok to suck at somethings.” I was whining to my coach the other day about how sometimes the beginning of my swims do not feel great for the first...
WHERE we are going in life is just as important as HOW we get there. It is important that we have a vision and an idea of our destination. We are able to...
Just in case you woke up today confused delirious and forgetful here is a little reminder. You are beautiful for WHO you are You are beautiful for WHAT...
Vulnerability post fat cells
Vulnerability post So I have a terrible confession. Something happened that has not occurred to me in a long time. You may recall my saga of discovering...
It is wise to have an inspired goal that is so astronomically big that the brain cannot comprehend it, yet only the heart can fathom its depth. The goal...
I in team
We've always been taught to put ourselves aside and focus on the team(everyone else) hence the quote "there is no I in team" I would argue that self love...
Traffic lights
Thoughts at the traffic light. We all know the sequence of the traffic lights. Green, then yellow then red then back to green. Yet what is the...
Intuition is not a 6th sense from your mind. It is from your body. The physiology of your cells speak to you constantly. Trust your intuition Your body...