
Workshop 2019

Workshop 2019

Here it is... what you have been waiting for ..... The First Self Empowerment Workshop of 2019 !! Are you having issues in your relationships? Having...

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Full moon elf

Full moon elf

Alvin the Elf's wisdom corner Welcome to a powerful week with the beginning of the Solstice, a magical cold moon and to top it off ending with my...

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Evaluating the costs

Evaluating the costs

Alvin the Elf meditative reflections We pay much attention to the cost of our perishables. Food, clothes, gas, children's toys, personal effects and the...

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Time to change

Time to change

Time to change There are times that we feel that things around us are too chaotic and overwhelming. The pressures are too great for the vision to see...

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I am light

I am light

I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is with me I am the Light and the Light is...

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In the moment

In the moment

Alvin the Elf's morning wisdom Every morning upon awakening spend a few. Minutes in ritual of the following INHALE and welcome the future without...

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Elf and buddha

Elf and buddha

Alvin the Elf is back .... Learning from the teacher "To attain that which is unattainable, and to avoid that which is unavoidable is the cause of human...

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Giving Have you noticed we only give gifts during a holy season like Christmas or a celebration like a birthday? Why is it we give thanks only during...

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Full moon elf

Full moon elf

Alvin the Elf's wisdom corner Welcome to a powerful week with the beginning of the Solstice, a magical cold moon and to top it off ending with my...

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Love the journey

Love the journey

Walk the journey Uncover the path that lies beneath your feet Enjoy the journey Discover your gifts along the way Love your journey .................. I...

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November full moon

November full moon

And so begins another magical Full moon. This is a moon of action, and arrives with enormous potency of release and a gateway to acting on our dreams and...

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