
What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a...

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Have you? Have you listened to the song of the wind breathing ideas in your direction? Have you felt the earth below your feet supporting your goals?...

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Everything that is fantastic in the universe is within YOU Everything that is beautiful with YOU is within the universe This idea of separation is just...

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“ Let us go run a race” it is fun they said. “Let us go climb a mountain” it will be fun they said. Why is it that some activities appear to be more...

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Ding ding ding..... Beep beep beep.. ding..Beep Bong bong Ding Beep Bong.. And it goes on and on. If any one has spent some time in the hospital at the...

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Something I tell my patients when I am confronted with a lack of willingness to exercise despite telling them all the benefits of leading an active and...

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“ It is ok to suck at somethings.” I was whining to my coach the other day about how sometimes the beginning of my swims do not feel great for the first...

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Believe in yourself The universe does. ............... I love you

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All celestial events have unique properties and so also unique influences upon us. The solar eclipse is one such event. A solar eclipse occurs at a new...

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Gut imbalances

Gut imbalances

Yesterday was a weird sort of day. Felt tired, exhausted, and bloated. Fuzzy in the head, irritable, mood was off. For me sometimes the lack of sleep has...

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What does it take you to say "I love you" I watching an educational video on" how the world would end ?" Fascinating. A rogue planet could collide with...

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When you are feeling sad, frustrated and unsupported.. Please remember than billions of your cells, and ALL your muscles, tendons, ligaments and organs...

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