We are but a vessel to experience the most sacredness of life and enjoy it to its fullest potential We are divinity in physical form and motion Your...
lions gate portal
We arrive at a critical juncture of our timeline that we have all been traveling over the last few months Full moons, new moons, lunar and solar eclipses...
We are always running We are always on the move We are either running away from people or situations Or we are running towards people and situations Not...
True success
True success is not wealth, or knowledge True success is the impact one has on humanity and the world So start by impacting 1 person, 1 child,......
So the other day I got pulled over.... and I was given a warning.... and had a random screening... I tested POSITIVE for.... 1 awesomeness 2 balanced...
Judgment is when you don't know Knowledge is when you do know Wisdom is Knowledge in action Love is the energetic light form of wisdom .............. I...
The door and the key
The door to love is locked by fear The door to peace is locked anger The door to happiness is locked by stress The door to empowerment is locked by...
whats in your hand?
Have you ever noticed what's in your hand? What we carry in our hand is based on a self perpetuating habit. Sometimes that habit gives us comfort,...
the story of the glove, hand and body
Would like to share with you an idea I had Imagine the glove as the human body exploring life on this earth The hand is the spirit that fits into the...
I am often heard saying this when asked "how you are doing today doc?" " Living the dream, just making sure its not someone else's nightmare." It is wise...
Who inspires you?
There are so many people who inspire me to do better in all different walks of life. Medicine, writing, inspirational speaking, global transformations,...
Rescuing the world
I choose NOT to rescue the world. I choose to serve the world. It is easy to see suffering and rush to pull someone out of it. It is easy to see an...