


Life is what it is...... not what we think life should be you are who you are ... not what you think others think you should be We are who we are... not...

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What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a...

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Full moon

Full moon

The full moon returns.... you are thinking what again ? Almost a month already ? Yes time has sped up throughout out solar system. Slightly faster enough...

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Pipes of life

Pipes of life

There are days when everything feels complicated, and convoluted. Those days I cannot see where things started or will end. I cannot make sense of...

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Keyboard woes

Keyboard woes

Look at this picture carefully. Yes it is what it looks like. A patched up keyboard. Not mine. But my initial thought was just throw it away and get a...

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What holds you back?

What holds you back?

There are times when I have realized that the only thing that stands in the way of the realities of my choice, or my creating the dreams of my heart is...

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Heroes combine

Heroes combine

For all you Marvel fans, Avengers Part 2 cometh. As you probably know the story but half the universe has been eliminated and old half the superheroes...

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Healing takes 2

Healing takes 2

Healing takes 2. I am a healer in many forms. As a cardiologist giving out healing advice through pills, through education of nutrition and exercise. As...

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I am thankful for

I am thankful for

I am thankful for the slow truck driving in front of me. It helped slow me down to avoid the hidden police speed trap down the road. I am thankful for...

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